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Building Info Smarts

How to work with all kinds of information and make it your own

This innovative flipbook shows students how to identify their learning style as they build important information literacy skills. The book explores strategies that learners need to be successful when working with digital media, as well as global and more traditional literacies. Students will investigate effective strategies for finding and using all kinds of information and making it their own — from reading books and analyzing a movie to working on a research project. As they work with data that they gather, students are encouraged to build personal understanding so their projects reflect original thought. The book is committed to nurturing confident learners who go beyond mere retelling of information and focus on a deeper understanding of the information they experience.

Author(s): Carol Koechlin and Sandi Zwaan

Pages: 32 Publication Date: 2008 ISBN: 9781551382265

Price: $ 12.95
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