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To Know and Nurture a Reader

Conferring with confidence and joy

Conferring with students about reading allows for clearer access to one-on-one, in-the-moment teaching and learning, yet it can feel like an intimidating or overwhelming task. To Know and Nurture a Reader simplifies conferring in a way that is accessible, student-centred, and considerate of time and other classroom challenges. It provides step-by-step guidance through reading conference moves for quick decision making. It breaks conferring into manageable chunks with specific goals, then puts all the pieces together with various classroom examples and scenarios. The tools, exemplars, and ideas in this book change conferring into something every teacher can do right away, and master with continued practice.

Author(s): Kari Yates and Christina Nosek

Pages: 256 Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 9781625311726

Price: $ 56.95
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